Monday, January 24, 2011

SanDisk: Adventures in Memory


There are certainly lots of choices out there when it comes to memory media, but somehow SanDisk has always been my favorite. Over the years, I have amassed a small mound of SanDisk memory cards starting with the big CF cards, progressing to the standard SD card and then to the Micro and Mini SD cards and adapters. Let’s not forget the SanDisk flash drives that are also increasing in capacity.

It’s difficult to believe how much storage is available on a tiny micro SD card these days. It amuses me to think of all the old 3.5 inch floppies I had to shuffle in and out of the drive to accommodate a single document on a 1.44 MB disk. Can you imagine how many of those disks it took to back up files? Times have certainly changed.

I can hardly believe it, but SanDisk now has a 128 GB memory card created mostly for accommodating videos and photographs, which require a large amount of space. I can remember my first 1 GB hard drive. I paid $1400 for it and thought I would never run out of room. Ha!

The new 238 GB Extreme Pro compact flash card is a photographer’s dream come true with oodles of storage and rapid performance. Write speeds go up to 100 GB/s. It features Video Performance Guarantee for full HD quality.

In its never ending quest to improve and expand memory applications, SanDisk has some other new tricks up its sleeve. For instance, its new Secure Access software. This software protects your videos, photos, music, and data files in a private vault on your USB drive. You can drag and drop files into the secure vault online with 128 bit AES encryption for security. Your files are securely stored online up to 2 GB by Dmailer technology.

Even if your flash drive is lost or stolen, your files are still secure. Secure Access is available on SanDisk Ultra, Cruzer, Cruzer Slive, Cruzer Edge, and Cruzer Blade.


The new SanDisk Ultra USB flash drive will transfer files at speeds up to 15 MB/s. It comes in capacities of 8, 16, and 32 GB. It features password protection and encryption as well as up to 2 GB of free online backup.


Over the years, I have seen SanDisk’s MP3 players evolve. My MP3 player of choice now is the Sansa Fuze, which comes in 4, 8, and 16 GB capacities. Of course it has a micro SD card expansion slot so that the memory is really infinite. This device also plays, pauses, and records FM radio with scanning and presets for your favorite stations. It is also an audio recorder with a built in microphone for notes, music, lectures, etc.

Of course you can also enjoy videos, photo slide shows, podcasts, and audiobooks. You can even download free, unabridged audiobooks from most local libraries these days. Every night while I cook dinner I listen to the news on my Fuze that I have connected to an external speaker system for greater listening pleasure. When I’m on the road I enjoy hooking it up to my car speaker system and hearing my favorite tunes or an audiobook.

I also use it as a brag book and have pix of my grandkids in it to show anyone I can corner. It’s super bright 2.4” screen is perfect for photos and videos.

It can handle the following formats

Audio: MP3, WMA, Secure WMA, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV Audible, Podcasts


Video: H264, MPEG-4, WMV, Flip Video

Let’s not forget to mention the diminutive Sansa Clip MP3 player and the USB MobileMate Micro Readers for transferring data between a PC and a phone, camera, or MP3 player.

In the box, you get the MP3 player, ear bugs, micro-USB 2.0 cable, Quick Start Guide, and Rhapsody Software for music downloads and transfers.

If you don’t want to bother with downloads and creating libraries, you can pop in a slotRadio card that hold 1000 handcrafted songs on a playlist tailored to your taste, which is available from

The rechargeable battery lasts up to 24 hours for audio playback and up to 5 hours for video playback.

Another SanDisk innovation is its new Xbox 360 USB flash drive. Just plug it into your Xbox to save games, profiles, map packs, music, pictures, and videos and then take it with you on the road. It comes preconfigured for Xbox so that there is no setup required. It comes in 8 and 16 GB capacities.


SanDisk stands ready to help you expand and preserve your memory in a wide range of devices with its SDHC memory cards with capacities up to 32 GB and a wide range of other memory media designed for just about every digital device imaginable. The preservation of memory at an affordable price is a noble cause indeed. Two thumbs up for SanDisk.

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